Playlist: Mold Mom/Ra Ra Rebel/Riot Grrrl Records

Sofia Krutikova (Sofiiak) and Kennady Quille are the co-creators behind Seattle-based Riot Grrrl Zine, Ra Ra Rebel, which primarily highlights femme-identifying PNW artists. After a year-and-a-half-long hiatus, they’re returning with Issue 12 of the zine—a unique edition of Ra Ra Rebel that delves into their own art and writing.

The two also have a local band of their own. With Kennady on vox & bass, Sofiiak on vox & guitar, as well as Ziam Downey on drums & cowbell, Mold Mom is a riot grrrl/punk band with influences like Bratmobile, L7, Cherry Glazerr, CSS, New Young Pony Club, and Mika Miko.

For the release of issue 12, Riot Grrrl Records is putting on a show at Nii Modo featuring Mold Mom (obviously), Beautiful Freaks, So Pitted, and Miscomings, and a bunch of local vendors.

In the meantime, we did a little Q&A with them, and they’ve made a sweet playlist for us (and you, I suppose) featuring a bunch of local music:

Q&A with kennady and Sofiiak

What is one recommended listening activity for your playlist (please be PG-17; we’re almost sort of a family-friendly blog)? Running? Crying? Frolicking through a field of wildflowers?

Sofiiak & Kennady: This is the perfect playlist for bussing around the city! We are lovers of public transit (and crying on public transit). Some of our favorite routes in Seattle are the 43 (the ghost bus), the E Line (E for entertainment), and the Cap Hill to Pioneer Square streetcar (it doesn’t get the love it deserves!). 

What’s the latest with Mold Mom?

Sofiiak & Kennady: We are in the process of working on our debut album, coming out next year. You can catch Mold Mom playing around Seattle, under bridges, in alleyways and causing a ruckus wherever they go. 

What music or other media (books, visual art, etc.) are you currently hooked on?

Sofiiak & Kennady: We’ve been very into The L word, tattoos/tattooing, reading in city parks, old Riot Grrrl zines, and Patrick Nagel.

Why do you want to be an artist/be in a band?

Sofiiak & Kennady: Being in a band is so special! Not only do we have this silly little bond with each other—we also get to be a part of a long legacy of PNW musicians. The punk community in Seattle is so tight-knit and important; as much as we love uplifting our community by throwing events like this one at Nii Modo, our community uplifts us just the same. Plus, it’s always fun to put on a cute outfit and scream in front of a crowd of people. It never gets old.




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