PLAYLIST: Peopling

Radio signals, feedback, static, disembodied voices, the shrill whirl of corrupted technology: Ronnie Gonzalez (aka peopling) has been constructing dense atmospheres out of these simple parts for over a decade. The difference is that he has hasn’t been doing here until recently. Gonzalez is a recent arrival to the state via Brooklyn, where he’s currently one-half of the psych/noise band Video Daughter alongside founder Mike Green. Video Daughters’ songs walk the line separating tunefulness and abrasion; Gonzalez’s solo project shifts more into noise but somehow does it without sacrificing listenability.

On the surface, his new album, Appearance, would be as impenetrable as any noise record, but there’s a soothing quality to the thrum of his machine that makes it oddly comforting. Tracks like “AppEARS rEAL” and “iNExACt maTH” chug and oscillate like Matthew Barnes’ Forest Swords but thousands of years in the future. Single “gEneRaTOr bOys” skitters unnervingly like a techno replicant, while “tHE LaST hOOrAH” captures woozy beauty in piercing discordant guitar and a tumbling sōzu.

If this interests you, you should check out Appearance in full, since it dropped in late October. We’ve also got a playlist graciously compiled by Gonzalez that you can listen to below, and he’s also answered a few questions below!

hullo. this is peopling. i am a noise/experimental/electronic artist living on Harstine Island in the south sound (via NYC). over time, many ppl have told me my music rides the rails between accessible dance punk music and sound collage noise in such a fine way that it simply can't be defined as either. shrug emoji to that.

as for the playlist... it's a mix of influences from all over my music history map. each song on it has shaken my core and shaped my music as well. hope it finds u shaking ur butt!

What is one recommended listening activity for your playlist?

if u love elevation like i do, i think for this playlist u shd grab headphones and have a bit of sativa in u and take to the swings on a playground (or a hammock in the woods, like i do) and swing high and hard for the giggles and adrenaline till ur heart's aflutter with contentment.

- Name an influence for your music (and why, if ya please).

So many influences to name... currently and since always, i keep coming back to Tom Jenkinson of Squarepusher. as a bass player myself, i'm usually not into 6-string bass players, but his rhythmic playing on his Zoot bass has always been an inspiration, aside from the all out dance party vibes he creates. whether he's doing some crazy jazz fusion shit, out there funk grooves, or jamming hard with the pure electronic madness that all his wizard gear can handle, his music has always been emotive, melodic, and boundary-pushing to me. 

- Why do you want to be an artist/be in a band?

i make music because i have to... i constantly hear it in my head and i feel the need to get it down before it disappears. that, and it always helps to keep the demons away. 

Go listen to Appearance, and check out peopling’s next show at Gallery 1412 on December 8!


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